
package step_stats

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class AllocationRecord(allocMicros: Long = 0L, allocBytes: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AllocationRecord] with Product with Serializable

    An allocation/de-allocation operation performed by the allocator.

    An allocation/de-allocation operation performed by the allocator.


    The timestamp of the operation.


    Number of bytes allocated, or de-allocated if negative.

  2. final case class AllocatorMemoryUsed(allocatorName: String = "", totalBytes: Long = 0L, peakBytes: Long = 0L, liveBytes: Long = 0L, allocationRecords: Seq[AllocationRecord] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, allocatorBytesInUse: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AllocatorMemoryUsed] with Product with Serializable


    These are per-node allocator memory stats.


    The bytes that are not deallocated.


    The allocation and deallocation timeline.


    These are snapshots of the overall allocator memory stats. The number of live bytes currently allocated by the allocator.

  3. final case class DeviceStepStats(device: String = "", nodeStats: Seq[NodeExecStats] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, threadNames: Map[Int, String] = ..., unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DeviceStepStats] with Product with Serializable


    Its key is thread id.

  4. final case class MemoryStats(tempMemorySize: Long = 0L, persistentMemorySize: Long = 0L, persistentTensorAllocIds: Seq[Long] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, deviceTempMemorySize: Long = 0L, devicePersistentMemorySize: Long = 0L, devicePersistentTensorAllocIds: Seq[Long] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MemoryStats] with Product with Serializable

    For memory tracking.

    For memory tracking.

  5. final case class NodeExecStats(nodeName: String = "", allStartMicros: Long = 0L, opStartRelMicros: Long = 0L, opEndRelMicros: Long = 0L, allEndRelMicros: Long = 0L, memory: Seq[AllocatorMemoryUsed] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, output: Seq[NodeOutput] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, timelineLabel: String = "", scheduledMicros: Long = 0L, threadId: Int = 0, referencedTensor: Seq[AllocationDescription] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, memoryStats: Option[MemoryStats] = _root_.scala.None, allStartNanos: Long = 0L, opStartRelNanos: Long = 0L, opEndRelNanos: Long = 0L, allEndRelNanos: Long = 0L, scheduledNanos: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[NodeExecStats] with Product with Serializable

    Time/size stats recorded for a single execution of a graph node.

    Time/size stats recorded for a single execution of a graph node.


    TODO(tucker): Use some more compact form of node identity than the full string name. Either all processes should agree on a global id (cost_id?) for each node, or we should use a hash of the name.

  6. final case class NodeOutput(slot: Int = 0, tensorDescription: Option[TensorDescription] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[NodeOutput] with Product with Serializable

    Output sizes recorded for a single execution of a graph node.

    Output sizes recorded for a single execution of a graph node.

  7. final case class StepStats(devStats: Seq[DeviceStepStats] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[StepStats] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AllocationRecord extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AllocationRecord]
  2. object AllocatorMemoryUsed extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AllocatorMemoryUsed]
  3. object DeviceStepStats extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DeviceStepStats]
  4. object MemoryStats extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MemoryStats]
  5. object NodeExecStats extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[NodeExecStats]
  6. object NodeOutput extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[NodeOutput]
  7. object StepStats extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[StepStats]
  8. object StepStatsProto extends GeneratedFileObject
